Medieval Connections


Earliest portrait of
Dante Alighieri, by Giotto in Florence |

Dante holding copy
of Divine Comedy, painting by Michelino

Dante's Inferno,
fifth circle of Hell, painted by William Blake, 1827
Book Reviews !
Things Medieval !

by Joy Nash
and imaginative!
Manannan mac Lir, known as Sidhe,
demigod and Guardian of Celtic Magical Creatures, life was one endless
party, seven hundred years of light hearted jokes. A popular musician, fans flock to him, tracking his very
movements. Mac could
have any woman he wanted. With pure life magic brimming full force
inside, Mac, this disdainer extraordinaire of death magic and demons, finds himself pulled away from
the pristine yet sterile perfection
of the Sidhe Otherworld. When he hears a report of a death magic attack
on Gilraen's Highland village the day before Samhrain, Mac plans to
hunt down the demon. Mac discovers a mysterious
clue. Unlike a typical death magic spell, Mac senses the barest trace
of a most unusual spell, a spell of life and death magic cast together.
Only humans have the ability to handle both and never simultaneously.
Black is on a race to collect as
much life magic as possible to ransom her son before the end of
Samhrain. Just as her moonstone pendant finally fills with faerie life
essence trapped inside, something goes terribly wrong. A tiny theft, and one
so well-intentioned, has disastrous
consequences. Trying to rectify her actions only gets her in worse
trouble, face to face with Mac, a man determined to hunt her down and learn her secrets. Artemis is one powerful witch
precisely because she has within her the perfect balance, a balance disrupted by Mac's powerful presence and
determination to uncover her secrets. As Samhrain
approaches, the completion of her quest takes on an increased urgency full of
complications as a powerful attraction seethes underneath the
surface of cross
purposes. With Mac hot on her
trail, can she allow love to
enter her heart enough to trust him? Can Mac find
within himself the key and magic to defuse the deadly threat that
awaits them?
the sixth volume in the IMMORTALS
series, Joy Nash builds on the theme of the balance between light and
dark of the previous book, IMMORTALS:
THE REDEEMING by Jennifer Ashley,
giving her own unique insights into the magical world. Mac has it all
---fans, his music and a god-like body to match his power and yet deep
with a memory of the past, a memory of a battle tortures his very soul.
A man of pure life magic feels the taint, the mark of death magic
separates him from he perfect Sidhe world, attracting him to this
unusually adept witch, but this attraction prove to be his ultimate
downfall or the force which heals his inner wounds? Artemis may hold
within her the perfect balance, but when trapped into a dangerous
alliance, how can she choose one life over another? In IMMORTALS: THE
CROSSING, Joy Nash creates moving internal vulnerabilities in
characters, giving a beautiful balance to their romance as Mac and
Artemis Black discover not only each other but a healing that touches
deep within to the darkest corners. Although some readers might take
quarrel with one of Mac's actions that decides the fate of the heroine
without her knowledge, as a demigod, his actions alongside other story
details will remind other readers of the antic of other ancient
immortals, the gods and goddesses who used humans. Unlike these
legendary characters, however, Mac's character undergoes a moving
transformation as love grows within and he must give up control as he
learns to trust not only himself but another. Joy Nash creates a moving
romance where two characters' past mistakes become
the ground from which they both love and individual growth is born.
Nash creates a wonderful mix of
humor and tension-filled danger as Mac and Artemis descend the circles
of a Dante's INFERNO, a world
infested with demons and nightmares
familiar to 21st century living nightmares. Whether you
loved Dante's INFERNO or
found it the most tedious excruciating school
read ---or even if you have never read it, Joy Nash's unusual version
is priceless! I could not stop smiling, even laughing aloud, at her
imaginative look into shopping and the punishments meted out to the
inhabitants of hell.
romance that combines a knowing tribute to the classics of the demon
and immortal world while also turning those traditions on their head in
just the right proportion to scintillate, amuse and thrill with an
imaginative modern romance vision. Laughter interwoven into
a tension-filled race against time and a vicious, manipulative villain
two makes this romance a fast, enjoyable read. Joy Nash's IMMORTALS:
THE CROSSING is a perfect read for paranormal lovers who want
intelligence, imagination and contemporary sass all interwoven together
in their romance. Witty, eclectic and just plain reading fun, Joy
Nash's addition to the IMMORTALS
series adds a delightful flavor to the
whole. Complementing the suspenseful drama and awe-inspiring heroes of
the series, Joy Nash gives a unique look into the Sidhe world and a
hero that will give anything and everything for his soul
Book Description:
For centuries they
have walked among us--vampires,
the Celtic Sidhe, demons, and other magical beings. Their battle to
reign supreme is constant, but one force holds them in check, a race of
powerful warriors known as the IMMORTALS.
Manannán mac
Lir, a musician and Celtic demigod, life had become a blur of
parties, expensive whisky, and cheap sex. And then the baby almost
died--a baby he had sworn to protect. On the hunt for the would-be
killer, Mac finds Artemis Black, a stunningly dangerous woman who's
inexplicably able to intertwine life magic with death magic. For the
safety of his people, he should destroy her. But the aching
vulnerability in her eyes calls to him. And the raw desire she inspires
has nothing to do with a spell. Their love may be forbidden, but Mac
and Artemis can't go back once they've made...THE CROSSING

The Calling
Jennifer Ashley


Joy Nash



The Crossing
Joy Nash