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The Warrior's Forbidden Virgin
The Warrior's Forbidden Virgin by Michelle Willingham
by Michelle Willingham
Ewan MacEgan has been the heart's desire of Lady Katherine of Ardennes since she can remember.  No one else will do.  Ewan, however, has fallen for her sister, Honore St. Leger.  When Sir Ademar of Dolwyth finds himself alone with Katherine, he is at a loss for words. Can this sexy warrior and his passion for Katherine lead him to be bold enough to act and speak in ways he has not before?   Can the language of love sometimes be more effective than the spoken word? Can they work together to conquer all the obstacles and even danger in their path?

Michelle Willingham's THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN serves as a companion to the medieval Irish historical romance, TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR.  As a Harlequin Historical Undone, THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN ramps up the passion level.  While this story works as a stand-alone, it is best read after completion of the novel in order to avoid spoilers.  Knowing the characters beforehand  adds a special dimension to this vignette.  Some of the events will be known to readers of the novel.  Michelle Willingham's THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN adds a richness to the MacEgan saga in giving the reader a new perspective on events as seen from Katherine's and Ademar's point of view.  As such, this story answers questions readers might have had from the novel, but in separating their story, these two characters get the attention they deserve without distracting from the main story.  Here, they are the main story!  Themes of fear and letting go as well as honor and language enrichen this passionate medieval adventure.

Kudos to Michelle Willingham for giving MacEgan lovers this medieval romance vignette!   Seeing Katherine through her own eyes is a fascinating addition.  If you love the MacEgan romances, this story is a must read!

Publisher: Harlequin Historical Undone (September 2009)

Other books in the series: Her Irish Warrior,  The Warrior's Touch, Her Warrior King, Her Warrior Slave, Taming Her Irish Warrior

Book Description:

Sir Ademar of Dolwyth does not think beautiful Lady Katherine of Ardennes would ever consider him for her husband--especially since she is in love with someone else! But when Katherine's heart is broken, Ademar is there to offer her comfort...and passion. For though the Norman knight cannot tell Katherine how he feels, he can show her without using any words at all....

Her Irish Warrior

The Warrior's Touch

Her Warrior King

Her Warrior

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